Live an Intentional Life
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Embodied Living

hi there.

It’s a pleasure to virtually meet you. I’m Alexandra, feel free to call me Alex or Mollon or Mollonwarriorprincess (I respond to all of the above).

I originally created this space to document my yoga journey, but as it goes, my healing has become so much more expansive and I am stepping into my power as a leader, to hold space for you and your healing.

a little about me

Healing is a life long journey and in the past decade I’ve learned a lot.

  • I healed my relationship with my body, overcame an eating disorder, stopped binge eating without any form of restriction and learned to eat intuitively.

  • I cured my vaginismus and learned to reclaim my inner sexual & sensual goddess after several sexual traumas.

  • I fell in love with the ebbs and flows of my cycle and have learned to use them to my advantage.

  • I stopped living my entire life from the place of masculine energy and learned to embrace the surrender and wild of my divine feminine.

  • I released my shame and embraced my kinks with open arms.

photo by: Justine Henderson

 self discovery

All of the above started a decade ago when I began my journey to self discovery, personal growth and somatic healing, I really thought I had it all figured out and one day I woke and realized something was off. I didn’t feel aligned, and if I was honest hadn’t for some time. I realized the relationship I was in was stifling my voice and didn’t have space for me to shed old versions and embody new versions of myself and I made the hardest decision of my life. I chose to leave the comfort of an 8 year relationship and choose myself.

why work with me?

I began this journey a decade ago when I walked into my first yoga class. I felt the mind-body connection and was immediately called to dive deeper. I took more and more classes until finally I signed up for my 300hr yoga teacher training. I studied different modalities of movement, breath work and mindfulness and embarked on my journey as a space holder. Since then I’ve studied somatic trauma therapy, somatic sex work, sexual healing and empowerment, femme embodiment and so much more. I know this is the work I’m here to do and that’s why I’m so passionate about continuing to learn and continuing to deepen my connection to my intuition and the ancient wisdom that courses through my veins.

what you get 

You get to live your biggest life! You get to be reminded of your wholeness, you get to be held in a safe space to explore and dive into your shadows. We’ll dive into all of the beautiful multifaceted parts of who you are and work together to unlearn the bullshit and clear space for your authentic self to grow and thrive.

I want you to have more in your life.

More play. More pleasure. More orgasms. More freedom. More sex. More joy. More abundance. More ease. More flow. More peace.

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