Sexual Transmutation 1-on-1
Our society is obsessed with sex and shies away from any real conversations about it. That’s where I come in, my goal is to hold space for you to heal and immerse yourself in pleasure. We will do deep work together to parse out shame, fear & guilt to hold space for you to heal your relationships, with yourself, you partner(s), your body, abundance and so much more.
experience shame or confusion of your sexuality or sexual desires
have experienced sexual wounding/trauma
are experiencing a lack of libido
want to move through triggers in a slow & gentle way, expanding their capacity to hold big feelings
are seeking out unsafe scenarios or people that feel out of alignment
want to get in touch with their desires & needs AND learn how to articulate them clearly to their partner(s)
have experienced vaginismus
want to feel less shame around their kinks
want to experience their sexual fullness
are looking to open their relationship or are struggling with ENM
want to connect with their emotions & communicate them effectively
want to learn to stay present and connected to your body, yourself and your partner
are looking to accept and love their body deeply
want to feel better resourced
want to learn to deeply trust their body
so much more!
Your Journey To Sensual Pleasure
During our time together, we’ll get to know each other and build intimacy. We’ll celebrate your fuck yes and embody that anything less than that is a no. We can revisit old patterns that might be holding you back from embracing your most lush, sensual & pleasure-filled life.
We will learn how to regulate your nervous system so you can begin to heal, play and discover who you are. We’ll lay the foundations here for you to embody pleasure in your daily life. You’ll build a resource tool kit that you can use whenever you need full of movement, breathwork, tantric practices and more that you can pull from and build on for the rest of your life.
If you have a partner we can delve into your relationship with or without your partner there (whatever would be most supportive to you both as a couple. If you’re single we’ll build your self-pleasure practice and unlearn unhealthy patterns you have when in relation with others.
Your life gets to be rooted in pleasure, it gets to be woven into everything that we do. You don’t have to settle for half-assed anything, you get to dive in the deep end and live BIG. Your pleasure is important, and desires divine.
What You Get
a deep understanding of yourself & your desires
a more embodied connection to your pleasure and boundaries
tools for healing and pleasing yourself
somatic practices, tantric practices, guided meditations, journaling prompts & more
space to freely explore your desires
the opportunity to heal through your body
1 session: $150 for 90 minutes
4 sessions: $500 for 4 90 minute sessions
6 sessions: $750 for 6 90 minute sessions