How to Set Powerful Intentions for Your Yoga Practice

We've all heard it at the beginning of a yoga class, your teacher may invite you to set an intention for your practice, but what does that really mean?

Intentions are powerful statements that resonate with you, that you can use to manifest the life you want to lead. When you set an intention you choose something you're trying to cultivate in your life both on AND off the mat. It can be something as simple as bringing your focus back to your breathing, or practicing being grateful or maybe having a little more compassion for yourself.

How to Set an Intention

Set your intention at the start of your practice. I like to find stillness first, take a child's pose or a grounding posture and settle in – find some stillness – notice your breath. Once you feel more grounded you can start to think about your intention and setting it for the remainder of your practice.

Start by bringing your awareness to whatever it is you're trying to cultivate more of in your life.  Maybe you want to be more present or mindful, or perhaps you want to become better at letting things go. Your intention can be anything that brings you closer to the life you want to live.

Some of My Favorite Intentions

Practice Beginner's Mind

I love this intention, it brings such a sense of playfulness to my practice. I like to meet every pose as though it's the first time I have ever practiced it. I like to feel each sensation as brand new and start to move and try things in new and creative ways. These practices usually end up feeling silly and playful. I typically fall out of things or nail things I never thought possible. We can sometimes limit ourselves by what we think we are or aren't capable of. This intention helps me let go of some of those limitations by being fully in the moment. This one is easy to take off your mat too! Try tasting something like it was the first time you've ever had it, or look at the sunset as though it was the first time you've ever seen it, and watch the magic around you grow!


Meditation on connection can be so powerful. In your practice you can notice all the people who have impacted your practice, your teachers, your peers, your students, authors, bloggers, ANYONE! We all have so much more of an impact than we realize, it's nice to take some time to reflect on that connection we all share and realize that we can make a difference, even if in the smallest of ways. This intention is also fantastic off the mat, one easy way to bring this practice off your mat is when you're cooking. All the people involved in growing your food, picking your food, shipping, transporting, stocking, checking out, who paid you to be able to pay for your food. Recognizing all these little ways we impact each other's lives can help us see the connection between all living things and how beautifully interconnected life can be.

I am One With the Force & The Force is With Me


...because why can't we have a little fun while cultivating some magic in our lives? This is hands down one of my favorite lines from a Star Wars movie. In yoga this sentiment reminds me of what we mean when we say Namaste: The light in me honors the light in you. I love this idea of there being an energy, a love, a light within all of us that we carry within us and, in that space, we are all the same. It makes it so that we are all of the magic of the universe in one tiny being and we can all see and honor that space within each other. 

You should revisit your intention throughout your practice, and throughout your day. Make a note of coming back to these intentions and you will start to cultivate the practices that you want to be a part of living your best and happiest life.