So What Exactly is Women's Circle?

Women's Circle

Women’s Circle changed my life. I found Shakti Soul Collective in the most organic way, as if guided by the universe, and it has changed my life for the better. It has taught me I can be strong and soft, it has taught me I am supported and can lean on others for help, it has transformed my anger towards those who have hurt me into love to support those who have also been hurt. Since I began I’ve gotten a lot of questions about Women’s Circle, so I thought I’d explain a little about what it is and what the benefits are.

What is Women’s Circle?

Women have been gathering in circles as an ancient practice, one that the West forgot for a long time. Women’s circles are safe containers where women can gather and share their stories, their hopes and their fears - a space where women can witness the divine feminine within themselves and each other. Circle’s can also include ceremony and ritual to bring them closer together.

The world we live in is often wild and frenzied, and the container of Women’s Circle provides a place to press the pause button, where we can witness our needs, fill our cups with the medicine of the Circle and the divine feminine. Women’s circle is a space for us to sit together and be seen and held just as we are. Each unique womxn who sits in Circle is valued and recognized for their own personal magic as a vital piece of the collective.

Circle is a safe space for our judgement-free self-reflection. The gatherings are typically held as a way to connect to our sisters, to heal our wounds, to share wisdom and love.

woman's sacred bond in women's circle

What are the benefits of Women’s Circle?

The benefits of Women’s Circle often start as subtle changes, but over the course of a container they become apparent even to those unaffiliated with the Circle - they can see the changes in their loved ones. We live in an increasingly disconnected world, Circle provides a space for intimate connection between women. Society often pits women against each other, teaching us another woman's beauty or talent is the lack of our own, it fosters girl-on-girl bullying, gossip, exclusion and general cattiness.

I believe this is because when women come together, to heal each other, to love each other, to support each other, they become an unbreakable force. They rise to their full potential and that can feel scary to those who rely on our subservience. Women’s Circle can be incredibly healing of that sister wound. For generations women would gather together, share wisdom, worries, love and support; that medicine is just as healing if not more so, today. It is nourishing to be surrounded by your sisters and to feel their support and love of you as you move through the world. 

I cannot recommend Shakti Soul Collective’s Women’s Circle more highly, but if you aren’t local to Denver, I would absolutely recommend looking into finding a circle near you. If you have any other questions feel free to DM on instagram I am thinking about doing a follow up to this on YouTube.